CryptoFreaks Rarity

3 min readMar 9, 2021

What are CryptoFreaks?

The CryptoFreaks are a collection of 250 unique NFTs each with a creative combination of attributes and colors. Some of the freaks are based on real people, some of the freaks are based on fictional people, and some of the freaks are just plain weird (see CryptoFreak #64)

What type of CryptoFreaks exist?

The freaks are broken up into 9 different types, their name along with their quantities are given below

Human (Male) — 35

Human (Female) — 35

Monster — 35

Ancient — 35

Animal — 35

Robot — 35

Superhero — 35

Legendary — 4

Ultimate — 1

All of these quantities (except for the Legendary and Ultimate) may change slightly (ie. we may end up minting 37 Human (Male) and 33 Monster if we feel that we need to)

What type of attributes exist?

The attributes on CryptoFreaks are split up into two types, Attribute and Accessory. An attribute is something that is intrinsic to the character itself (ie. Crooked Teeth, Rosy Cheeks). An accessory is something that the character is wearing (ie. Glasses, Necktie, Cape)

As far as the rarity for these attributes… that’s still up in the air. We haven’t designed all of the CryptoFreaks yet, so we don’t know exactly how much of each attribute will exist.

As more freaks are minted, rarity should become more clear. In the meantime, you can kind of guesstimate how rare an attribute will be by how generic it is. For example, the Red Lipstick and Earrings attributes are pretty generic (realistically a lot of characters can have these attributes), so they’re going to be less rare. On the other hand, the Snowboard and Ink Stains attributes are pretty specific, so they’re going to be more rare.

Remember, the CryptoFreaks are not algorithmically generated. These are all uniquely designed and created, so attributes really shouldn’t be as important as the overall look and cool factor of the freak itself.

How are they priced?

As of right now, each freak (with the exception of Legendary and Ultimate) is being listed for .15 ETH. This price is not set in stone, and we may adjust it based on demand (if the freaks keep instantly selling out, we may increase the price). Regardless, the maximum price we will ever list a freak is .5 ETH (with the exception of auctions). This gives early collectors a chance to sell them for a profit on the secondary market if the price shoots up.

Each of the Legendary and Ultimate freaks will be put up for auction. There will be no reserves on any of these auctions (the highest price will win even if it’s less than the OpenSea minimum of 1 ETH)

More info

That’s pretty much it! You can follow us on Twitter for more updates as well as giveaways and drops. If you have any questions, twitter is the best place to ask them!






The freakiest NFTs on Ethereum! Each CryptoFreak is a unique 1/1 NFT with a rare combination of attributes. There are 250 freaks in total.